Monday, July 6, 2009

Personal Space

If I can feel your breath heating the back of my neck while we're standing in line, it's safe to say you're.too.f'ng.close. And stop taking two steps forward every time I move.
I guess that means I require quite a bit of space ...
StarTrek shields ... people get too close and they hit that force field and bounce off. I love it.
Please start applying for patents. So far you have the stealth missile launcher, the 4 point boxing glove for vehicles ... we will crush these menaces in no time.
And don't invade my space when I'm not there. That means no pawing around my desk when I'm not there. That force field needs to be designed around inanimate objects, too.
If your shopping cart is ripping the skin off of my heels, you are DEFINITELY too far into my space.
Yeah. I had a bad grocery shopping experience today.
Stephanie said this: I don't have a problem with people being in my personal space when I am out and about whether work or stuff in general...I'll share ...but this is just as good as it's bad. I seem to attract creepy just roaming on the street people who will make a point to try and talk to me and get close. Body smells and all. I try and be as polite as possible. But,....whoa Dude you need some soap and a toothbrush
I'm just the opposite at home. That's my have to have permission to come in my bedroom (my safe haven) and never assume you can just plop down and get comfy with me there (regardless of what I'm doing) if you're not invited. I am not happy when you make too many assumptions there..
I hear ya, gurlie.

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