Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sexy Lace

This is a pattern created by Cecily Glowik and introduced to me by Jill at my LYS. Jill is a wonder, a natural at what she does. It was one of the best experiences I've had at a yarn store.

I've had some evil experiences in LYS, the worst being at a snippy little place in Brookline Village, but Jill was warm and welcoming from the very first time I met her.

She showed me this sweater and I was kind of "meh" about it. Then she made me try it on. Love at first fit.

I had to have it. I had to make it.

The color is a gorgeous vino with purples and varying shades of red. The wool is chunky and soft and the lace is sexy. The neckline is sexy. The original pattern calls for buttons but there were no buttons on Jill's and there won't be any on mine.

I've worn buttoned up stuff for far too long and it is time to be done with buttons and every other restrictive, limiting thing.

Who says yarn doesn't give you new perspective?

Hey, I was in a parade!!

... an unwilling participant in a "Hey-it's-Saturday-let's-not-even-get-up-to-the-speed-limit-'cos-we're-tapping-our-breaks-every-10-seconds-in-fear-we-may-actually-reach-15-mph!" weekend parade

Other paraders include, but in no way are limited to:

* The Sit & Wonder What A Green Light Means
* The OMG The Light Is Yellow Let's Slam Our Brakes
* The I Have No Where To Be So I'll Let Every Driver In Front Of Me So The People Behind Me Will Never GET WHERE THEY NEED TO BE
* The Cluster Around The Police Car And Travel 5 MPH
* Block The Intersection Even Though I knew There Was No Way In Hell I'd Make That Light
