Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lovely Liesl

I was flipping through Ravelry and was stunned when I found this pattern. I couldn't wait to download it and begin.

I also found the perfect yarn for this yesterday at Seed Stitch in Salem. It's a feathers and fan pattern and it is very similar to the ubiquitous (in knitting communities) Lady Sweater.

I love how this feels and I'm sufficiently over myself after my little how the fuck does a cable cast on work at the end of a row meltdown.

I'm just trying to convince myself it isn't really Sunday night and tomorrow isn't really Monday and the whole wretched work week isn't really about to start again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - I have those meltdowns all the time...

    What kind of sleeves do you have planned for Liesl?

