Monday, August 2, 2010

Yarn, patterns & other troublesome impulse items ...

First, Emily blocked successfully! I'm stunned at the difference blocking makes. Also could have done it more aggressively but it is very pretty as is. 

My friends and I are on a self-imposed yarn restricted diet. Yarn = bad carbs. We don't need anymore yarn or patterns or books or magazines or anything else fiber related. We're going to turn into those weird ladies who knit a lot of shit and have a lot of cats. No. We are not those ladies.

I have so much yarn in my place that I'm almost out of room to store it. Ok, I'll be honest. I can barely fit ME into the space much less one more skein or hank of anything ELSE. I'm also getting back into the dating scene. What the hell do you tell a guy when he comes over to pick you up and there is nothing but yarn (I'm in a loft), yarn, yarn and more yarn taking up every available inch of space. Bins of yarn, bags of yarn, baskets of yarn. Books and patterns piled high next to the book shelves. And if that isn't weird enough, I have two cats! Lord GOD, the guy is gonna run for the hills.

I neeeeed to dive into the stash and get busy knitting. Immediately. At least get rid of the stuff not in bins because I'm telling you now, I'm not going back to Target for more bins. This is just plain silly. I have 7 large bins and 2 medium bins and I'm not telling how many shopping bags and small bins of yarn I have. 

Tomorrow, one of my favorite yarn stores is starting the Cascade sale. I'm a sucker for alpaca and some of the Cascade alpaca is drool worthy. I must stay away. I must practice self-control. I have yarn impulse control issues. This must stop now. Before there is only room for the yarn.

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