Wednesday, August 25, 2010

People. It's just RAIN.

It's been raining almost 40 days and 40 nights. Enough  with the rain. But more importantly, enough with the "what-do-you-think-all-that-wet-shit-coming-out-of-the-sky-is" driving. There is no acceptable reason a 23 minute drive to my office became an hour and a half two inches forward, brake, stop, sit, one inch forward, brake, stop, sit nightmare commute this morning.

And on top of all that, every impatient, entitlement suffering little arse on the road just had to pull in behind me and try to crawl up the back of my car's ass in their vain hope that pure obnoxiousness on their part would cause traffic to magically disappear.

Pardon me a moment while I roll my eyes so hard I create a migraine.

WTF? Rain, people, rain. Not ice, not snow and all evidence to the contrary, not a typhoon so why in hell did it take an extra hour and 7 minutes to get to work? What is going to happen when a) the kids go back to school, bringing more people out on the road early in the am including those lumbering school buses that if you don't leave your house by 6AM you're screwed because you sure as hell will find yourself crawling behind one allllllllllllllllllll the way to your destination and b) when the first effing snow falls. 

Oh, those two things in combination will be enough to have you scrambling through your glove box in desperate search of a plastic knife so you can saw at your wrists while you sit in traffic.

Winter ... good times to come.

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