OMG. I have not updated this blog in almost a year! This is shameful.
Tonight, I watched the Red Sox game with a galpal and I forced her to take sticky buns from Flour. Flour is an amazing bakery in Boston and the sticky buns are so good as to bring pornographic moans as you consume them.
I figure sticky buns and knitting are not natural partners so I'd rather knit than eat sticky buns so that was easy.
The Sox won ... by the seat of their pants but at this point, we're claiming victory where and how we find it.
I have begun a shawl that is deceptively simple. The only thing that continues to cause me grief with it is carelessness and being too tired to knit but too stubborn to call it a night. So the following morning, I have tinking to do and it annoys me beyond reason because it all could have been so easily avoided. It's a gorgeous shawl and will block beautifully.
The yarn is madelinetosh sock in Sequoia. Gorgeous stuff. Love on the needles. I have decided to use tosh Glazed Pecan as a contrast color. Wondering if it'll be too much but we're going into fall and it is very happy harvest looking. If it looks awful, I can rip it out. Joy of creating your own.