Monday, September 7, 2009

Shawls ... effing shawls

So last night, I had a teeth gnashing, screeching, F bomb dropping session from the deepest recesses of hell as I tried to do a circular beginnings cast on for a shawl.

O M effing G.

Lace yarn, double point needles that were NOT wooden ... OR ADDI since none of my addi lace needles were small enough or wooden.

FINALLY got the cast on down and it has been unbelievably maddening.

I had to go read Elizabeth Zimmerman about 10 times.

I'm looking at her daughter's shawls from A Gathering of Lace .

Funny how lace looks like a shriveled up mess until it's blocked.

This shawl cast on ... made me gnash my teeth and spit nails. I want to drink.

So I ripped the little circular maddening thing ... I'm feeling calmer about the cast on now. So the neighbors are safe.

Rambling Scallops

Good grief, I have been negligent in posting. I have completed the back and have begun the front left of rambling rose.

This has been so much fun. Well, once I'd gotten beyond the part in the beginning during which time I wanted to toss the whole project out of the nearest window.