Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I hadn't even THOUGHT about that ...

... and now that you've made me think about it ... :sick:

I was going to heat a cup of oatmeal in the microwave this morning. I put in the cup and since I only zap it for 10 seconds, I did not cover it. It would not spill over anyway since I was standing there watching it.

One my co-workers screeeeeeeeeeched from across the kitchen, "B, noooo!" and she raced over to the microwave, opened the door and turned to me.

"You need to cover that!"


Calmly, I responded (and since she was delaying my breakfast I have to admit I probably would have snapped at her but I've been working on calm responses rather than B*tchIwillcutyou reactions :p ), "I'm standing right here, I won't let it overflow."

She said, "Oh, I know! You're OCD like me."


So what is your issue?

She told me that if I didn't cover what I was heating, whatever nasty particles are on the "ceiling" will soften and drop down in whatever you're heating.

*collective heebyjeeby shudder*

I told her I thought she was going to chastise me for not using a cover for a different reason. :o

So. Maybe nasty things will soften and drop into your stuff and maybe they won't but I'm using a cover from this moment forward.

Something for all of you to think about, especially if you're not inclined to wipe it down BEFORE you use it.